Monday, 26 August 2019

Onyibupet Consulting Health Quality Improvement services at Community level

Onyibupet Consulting Limited: A health sector consulting) has been working as quality improvement advisor to healthcare institutions coaching teams on how to apply improvement strategies in their work.
We also provide services for healthcare organizations that work with local communities to deliver a program for health care providers and administrators to learn about quality improvement.
In providing these services, we tackle issues that includes a problem statement, an aim statement, a set of measures, and team member roles (like “Team Lead” and “Process Owner”) as a rationale to enable health care providers build capabilities for quality improvement in their setting.

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Sunday, 25 August 2019

Onyibupet Consulting advocates for Universal Health Coverage #UHC

The Universal Health Care #UHC Dream should be a civil right for all people across all nations. It is, in fact, the right that keeps us civil. If you can't make healthcare in all nations free for all, then why should you be civil promoting health tourism?
According to the United Nations Secretary General, “Development is not sustainable if it is not fair and inclusive.” Therefore, if the Universal Health Care #UHC Dream is a civil right, and I believe it is, then health care needs to be a fundamental right for all people across the nations. Otherwise, anyone of us is just a major health concern away from living in poverty or eliminating the chance at upward mobility altogether.
We should be trying to find a way to expand health care, not trying to regress it. We should be evolving as a universe towards making healthcare available to all, including a public option, and not regressing into a primitive state where we rely on nothing but luck.
Hopefully, by amassing the stories we can move people from an individual cry for help to a chorus, a communal chant and a united global campaign that can be heard across nations.

(c) --- Eloke Onyebuchi, Onyibupet Consulting Limited: A health sector consulting); Facilitator Youth Global platform on Hiv/aids