Monday, 25 January 2021

New treatment protocol approved for HIV-1

A new treatment protocol approved for HIV-1.

A new complete regimen for the treatment of #HIV-1, known as Cabenuva (cabotegravir and rilpivirine, injectable formulation) has been approved few days ago. This U.S. Food and Drug Administration  first approved injectable,  complete regimen in adults, will now replace the current ARV regimen, in those people with decreased viral load on a stable ARV regimen with no history of "treatment failure" or possible resistance to cabotegravir or rilpivirine and shall be administered once every month.

The report clearly stated that "FDA also approved Vocabria (cabotegravir, tablet formulation), which should be taken in combination with oral rilpivirine (Edurant) for one month prior to starting treatment with Cabenuva to ensure the medications are well-tolerated before switching to the extended-release injectable formulation.

The most common adverse reactions with Cabenuva were injection site reactions, fever (pyrexia), fatigue, headache, musculoskeletal pain, nausea, sleep disorders, dizziness and rash. Cabenuva should not be used if there is a known previous hypersensitivity reaction to cabotegravir or rilpivirine, or in patients who are not virally suppressed (HIV-1 RNA greater than 50 copies/Milliliter)".

As evidence based science are emerging on how to manage #HIV, it is pertinent that Youth Global platform on Hiv/aids continue to formatively empower young people, in other to enhance universal youth response to HIV/AIDS. This is because a more informed young population through sharing of evidence based ideas and vital information that prevents exposure or enhances treatment, makes it easier for the young population to improve on public health standards, protect the health system from being overwhelmed by cases, and advance universal healthcare. Hence the rational for Youth Global Platform on HIV/AIDS, an online platform designed by Onyibupet consulting limited to help young people learn more about preventive measures and evidence based treatment protocols on HIV!

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Systems change to manage #COVID19

 The world, especially Africans should know that this viral menace, COVID19 is here to stay with us for a long time. This is because of the scientific conflict recently identified due to random variations noticed at the spike protein of the virus, which stabilizes the structure of the spike protein and make it easy for the virus to gain access into the host cells.

Evidence based study still on preprint, carried out on scientific modification of 0.6% of the total genome and 12% of the the spike protein of the virus, that cause the illness, #COVID19 in a laboratory, indicates that the naturally occurring mutants will in the future become so contagious and again, makes it easy for "immune escape".

For us to control this pandemic, we must change our "systemic thinking approach", so as to open up new ways of thinking, analyzing, communicating and delivering new evidence based strategies designed to manage this pandemic. Seeking new ways to manage complex issues, such as #COVID19 explores the system in place, through the lens of evidence based strategies to help propagate our new approach or solutions in the reality of any complexity, uncertainty and chaos. This implies that there is no time for complacency or restriction of new strategies or ideas needed to control this pandemic. We must act together now and it must be in solidarity.

Therefore, we need strong political and health leadership from the government sector, social solidarity from the citizens, and improved public health standards, if we must stand a chance of kicking this pandemic away, anytime soon.

I thank you!

Eloke Onyebuchi is a writer, CEO, Global Health Policy and Public Health Strategist, Healthcare Management Consultant, Advocate, Researcher, and the Managing Director of Onyibupet Consulting Limited: A health sector consulting).

UNAIDS new modeling to prevent new HIV infections and AIDS - related death.

 New report from UNAIDS indicates that 440, 000 AIDS - related deaths and additional 2.6 million HIV infections would be prevented if the new HIV targets of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS is met before 2025.

This is important as the rational for Youth Global platform on Hiv/aids, an online platform initiative, powered by Onyibupet consulting limited is to enhance youth response to HIV by formatively empowering the young people on rights health, societal values that enhance gender equality, advocacy against stigma and discrimination with easy access to justice where stigma and discrimination exist, and knowledge of healthy practice that enhance sexual health. 

Sunday, 17 January 2021

Addressing public health reactions from the African population

 Statement of the problem:

I have been getting reactions as to why there is a tag boldly written "for export only" on Remdisivir being shipped to Africa.

My opinion:

There can only be two major reasons for this tag on it:

1. Environmental conditions, such as temperature and storage capacity of the recipient nations in Africa.

2. Differential pricing: many companies out of their social responsibility produce drugs or vaccines that are very cheap but not of inferior quality to poorer nations or countries in developing nations. This kind of deal is usually negotiated during clinical trials, hence the rational for the tag.

There are facts to support these two factors but I won't go into it now as I would like to make this post very short.

mRNA 1273 known as Moderna COVID19 Vaccine:

Although the vaccine will help people with weaker immune response, the vaccine is yet to address recent scientific conflict on immune escape, as new variants of SARS - COVID - 2 are beginning to display random variation at the spike cells, according to new findings seen in the UK B.1.1. 7, South African, Brazilian and now Ohio variants. Also, I doubt how many nations in Africa, except South Africa and few others that are constantly embarking on scientific studies to address the relationship between the emerging variants and convalescent plasma in their respective countries. A study that would have been vital to help countries understand the importance of this mRNA vaccine on the population before going into it.

I appreciate the concern of Africans on the type of vaccine being shipped into the region. However, what should bother Africans actually is the terms in the deal. Let me leave you here with one question:

What should be worrisome here is not the safety of the vaccine but trying to come to terms with the rationality that our national governments are trying to procure a vaccine that provides only yearly immunity at a high financial rate, with no basic information as to whether the vaccine protects against infection or only illness? This implies that a vaccinated person can still spread the virus, even if they don't feel sick. 

Therefore, even as people are being encouraged to take the vaccine by their National governments, we should not be complacent that the current vaccine is all that is needed to kick the pandemic away, but note the following:

1. Wear your mask.

2. Maintain social distance always.

3. Wash your hands or sanitize your hands always.

4. Please avoid large gatherings.

These protocols and many other public health strategies are the most certain and better ways to stay safe from this viral menace for now until a scientifically, evidence based drug with "everlasting immunity" is found against all the strains of this virus.

I thank you!

Eloke Onyebuchi is a scientist, writer, Global Health Policy and Public Health Strategist, Healthcare Management Consultant,  Advocate, Researcher and the CEO of Onyibupet Consulting Limited: A health sector consulting).

What we do!

 Health is wealth!

At Onyibupet Consulting Limited: A health sector consulting), we see strategy as much more than a plan. Since onyibupet's founding in 2012, strategy has been our core business plan. We work with our clients in the health sector to develop strategies that deliver results.

We see things that others miss, offering you more creative solutions that combine our deep geographic experience, intimate sector knowledge and clear insights into how to create value in your health programs.

We work collaboratively, build lasting capabilities into your team and help your organization mobilize for change.

We define our success by your results. We care deeply about our clients. We enjoy our work―and we have fun doing it.